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Origami Roasted Meat

The theme for Origami Dan's May design contest was prehistoric human; or anything related to it. I was tired to design complex model, and aimed to make simple model. So I thought of making this roasted meat.

Jang Yong Ik's asian black bear and Syn's Adult Syn having a good time.


The main idea is to express simple shapes with basic geometric shape, preferably based on 22.5 structure. I have folded nearly all Hideo Komatsu's model in his book and was particularly captivated by how he expressed his model by composing basic geometric shapes. Take his wolf for example:
The base form looks like below. Notice how the 22.5 degree based shapes like diamonds and triangle got stitched together to express torso, forelegs, thighs, feet, and tails. It is unlike the tree based structure that I am familiar with.
Following the idea that Kamiya mentioned, I tried to imagine how the final roasted meat should look like, and then reverse engineer it. On my mind, it should look like this:
To reverse engineer it, I can imagine the that the two diamonds has to be on top of each other. Then the 4 legs can be placed on each corner of the paper. I omitted the stick at the moment because I thought that it can be easily added by blintzing.
Initial plan for the CP.

So how do we fill the rest of the CP? I don't know. I'll just follow whatever I have been told, which is folding with intuition. Who knows, maybe all the time grinding on Komatsu's model will aid me here. In the end, I found a configuration that works. There are paper near the hips, but they are easily hidden behind.
It doesn't look right, maybe because it looks skinny. So I drafted another plan to use overlapping squares instead of diamonds for the torso. This shape is actually easy to attain, by starting with preliminary base that is opened and squashed. 
I can fold the legs using the preliminary base's 4 flaps purely by free-styling. It is similar to pig base, but it gets funny in the middle because I need to narrow the middle part to make hips. Now it looks about right. As planned before, I can just blintz this to add the color changed stick.
Outer region is where the extra paper will be available after blintzing.

On the final CP, you would notice that a quarter of the paper is wasted. Two corners between foreleg and hind leg are just folded to the center without being used. I tried to utilize it for something, perhaps pleated to make ribs as in Syn's abs. In the end nothing works and I am happy to just tuck it underneath.


I used 15 cm standard kami to fold this. Not much shaping is needed except to hide the excess paper on the torso.

I hope that this design convey the idea of roasted meat right away. At least my mom recognize it immediately! I had fun to take picture of it with black bear and Syn.


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